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Explore extensive collection of Philips LED Tube Lights to illuminate your home with efficiency and style. Our curated collection of Philips LED tube lights invites you to embark on a journey of luminous possibilities. We offer an array of options, including motion-sensing tube lights for added convenience, smart tube lights for effortless control, and a spectrum of LED battens with varying wattages, colors, and lengths. Illuminate your surroundings in style, all while saving on energy costs. Elevate your lighting experience with our versatile range of LED tube lights. Choose from the perfect solution for your home, office, or commercial space. Browse our collection of Philips LED Tube lights and embrace the brilliance of LED lighting!
From Rs. 899.00
Rs. 2,999.00
From Rs. 420.00
Rs. 1,099.00
From Rs. 540.00
Rs. 599.00
From Rs. 290.00
Rs. 550.00
From Rs. 200.00
Rs. 350.00
From Rs. 1,180.00
Rs. 2,199.00
From Rs. 170.00
Rs. 300.00
From Rs. 540.00
Rs. 1,099.00
From Rs. 350.00
Rs. 599.00
From Rs. 770.00
Rs. 1,149.00
From Rs. 350.00
Rs. 599.00
From Rs. 210.00
Rs. 500.00
From Rs. 295.00
Rs. 899.00
From Rs. 349.00
Rs. 399.00